Underwater Exploration Made Fun and Easy

Bahama Scuba Diving: Underwater Exploration Made Fun and Easy With a reputable reputation for relaxing, easygoing days, and lively, energetic nights, the Bahamas has become a preeminent tourist destination for family, friends, and couples alike. With all of the things to do in the Bahamas, making the most of your daily trips is a must. Scuba Dive Bahamas is your source for great deals on some of the most thrilling Bahamas diving adventures.

Come On In, the Water's Fine

Bahama scuba diving is a great way to spend a sunny day, or even a cloudy one. The tropical temperatures and great year round underwater visibility make any day of the year absolutely perfect for taking a relaxing and exciting swim in the Atlantic Ocean. Like any place in the northern hemisphere, winter in the Bahamas is colder than the summer months. However, the commonwealth's proximity to the equator keeps daily temps warm and hours of daily sunlight plentiful ensuring that year round, the water will be temperate and your Bahama scuba conditions will be picture perfect.

Two Diving Locations, Endless Diving Possibilities

Our two diving facilities allow you to easily find a Bahama scuba diving package that fits your needs. From swimming with the sharks in Nassau to dive with the dolphins in Freeport Bahamas scuba diving can help you find the right adventure at the right price. Our diving stations are located in both of the two largest cities in the commonwealth of the Bahamas, giving you access not only to a wonderous underwater world, but also to two distinctive and exciting port cities.

Available Equipment and Amenities

Because you can't have a Bahama scuba diving adventure without the proper equipment, we offer tanks, weights, and weight belts as part of your underwater diving package. On the docks, we have freshwater showers and restrooms, gear rinse, and storage areas for after the dive and before you get back in the water.

Every boat comes equipped with an ice chest and ice, fresh water, and a first aid kit. We also have many items available for rent just in case you forgot to pack or don't own it. These items include wetsuits, mask, fins, and snorkels, cameras, and regulators. If you need it for your Bahama scuba diving adventure, we've got it.

Whether you're exploring the islands on a break from a multi-week cruise of the Caribbean, taking a weekend in from Key West, or looking for a fun day trip during your fabulous family vacation, Scuba Dive Bahamas will help you find the best Bahama scuba diving adventure and the one that is right for you, even if you're not certified.

We employ a knowledgeable and dedicated staff ready and waiting to walk you through ever aspect of your Bahama scuba experience. From booking your scuba diving package to finding our diving center once you have arrived on the islands, our team will assist you and coach your through the Atlantic Ocean.
